‘Orçamento de guerra’: de onde podem vir os bilhões para reconstruir o Rio Grande do Sul BBC News Brasil

O analista de dados fornece informações que auxiliam na tomada de decisões estratégicas, enquanto o cientista de dados vai além, desenvolvendo modelos e soluções que podem ser implementados diretamente nos processos de negócio. Atualmente, empresas de todos os segmentos conseguem minimizar custos, aumentar sua eficiência, identificar novas oportunidades de negócios e ganhar vantagem competitiva no mercado por meio da interpretação e o uso adequado de dados. Neste contexto de evolução tecnológica, especialistas em ciência de dados são cada vez mais requisitados, enquanto a oferta de talentos ainda é escassa. Existem algumas diferenças fundamentais quando se trata do conjunto de habilidades de cientistas e analistas de dados. Por exemplo, os cientistas de dados precisam saber como usar aprendizado de máquina e estruturas de grande escala. Eles fornecem uma boa compreensão de programação, técnicas de gerenciamento de dados, bancos de dados, análise preditiva e modelagem.

Qual a diferença entre o Analista de Dados e o Cientista de Dados?

Além disso, um analista de dados é responsável por interpretar os resultados da análise e fornecer insights acionáveis aos tomadores de decisão. Eles devem ser capazes de traduzir os aspectos técnicos da análise em recomendações estratégicas e acionáveis para a empresa. Isso envolve uma habilidade essencial de comunicação para apresentar os resultados em reuniões, redigir relatórios ou compartilhar visualizações de dados de forma compreensível para diferentes públicos. Em conclusão, o analista de dados analisa dados numéricos e os usa para ajudar empresas a tomarem melhores decisões. Tanto para o analista de dados quanto para o cientista de dados, não existe apenas um caminho que leva à profissão. No entanto, uma diferença fundamental entre os dois cargos é que o cientista de dados precisa ter conhecimentos mais refinados em programação e estatística, principalmente.

O que faz um cientista de dados? Veja salário e cursos

Uma vez que a análise é realizada, o analista de dados deve comunicar os resultados de forma clara e compreensível para diferentes públicos, incluindo gerentes, executivos ou outros departamentos da empresa. Isso pode envolver a criação de relatórios, visualizações de dados, gráficos ou até mesmo a apresentação dos resultados em reuniões. Primeiramente, eles precisam definir os objetivos da análise, compreendendo as necessidades e requisitos da empresa. Em seguida, coletam os dados relevantes de várias fontes, como bancos de dados, planilhas, registros de transações ou até mesmo dados provenientes de sensores e dispositivos conectados.

analista ou cientista de dados

A teoria conspiratória que atribui às antenas Haarp inundações no Rio Grande do Sul

Entre os cursos mais comuns na formação do analista de dados, podemos citar engenharia, matemática ou estatística. Os Analistas de Dados devem possuir sólido conhecimento em Linguagem SQL e, com expressões comuns, podem dissecar facilmente os dados e criar significado a partir deles. Além disso, eles precisam ajudar as organizações a tomar decisões, fazendo sentido dos padrões e tendências encontrados nos conjuntos de dados. Há uma diferença significativa entre o conjunto de habilidades que as profissões precisam e a quantidade de conhecimento nas áreas de comunicação, estatística, negócios e matemática.

Analista de dados

Mesmo que interaja mais com algum setor específico, o analista precisa conhecer a fundo como a empresa funciona, para então definir quais as informações adequadas para avaliar. Quem deseja atuar neste meio deve estar preparado e entender quais as possibilidades e oportunidades no setor. Quando se trata de carreira na área de tecnologia, alguns termos e cargos se confundem, como analista de dados ou cientista de dados. Embora sejam similares, cada um tem uma função distinta e as duas ocupações podem até ser complementares. Seguindo as dicas acima e adquirindo conhecimento técnico, não tem por que você não começar a trilhar uma carreira de sucesso em uma área tão em demanda quanto a ciência de dados.

O mundo da tecnologia está em constante evolução e a demanda por profissionais especializados em dados continua crescendo. Tanto o Cientista de Dados quanto o Analista de Dados têm um papel fundamental nesse cenário. A análise e interpretação Como a ciência de dados e o aprendizado de máquina estão revolucionando o mundo dos negócios de dados se tornaram essenciais para as empresas tomarem decisões mais embasadas e estratégicas. Porém, de modo geral, quem atua com análise de dados é proveniente de graduações em ciências exatas, como engenharia, matemática e ciência.

  • Por outro lado, os engenheiros de dados são responsáveis pela construção e manutenção de infraestruturas de dados, garantindo que os dados estejam disponíveis e acessíveis para análise.
  • Mais do que um departamento na empresa, a Análise de Dados passou a ser uma competência.
  • É importante considerar suas habilidades e interesses pessoais, bem como o tipo de trabalho que você deseja realizar.
  • Os Analistas de Dados são mestres em SQL e usam expressões regulares para dividir e organizar os dados.
  • Eles devem garantir a integridade e a qualidade dos dados, realizando uma limpeza e pré-processamento adequados.
  • Eles também estão envolvidos ativamente no processamento de dados e análise de dados em todos os tipos de negócios.

Muitos Cientistas de Dados passaram de Analista de Dados a Cientista de Dados (embora isso não seja uma regra). Eles podem fazer o trabalho de um Analista de Dados, mas também dominam o aprendizado de máquina (Machine Learning), são qualificados em programação avançada e podem criar novos processos para modelagem de dados. Os Analistas de Dados examinam e exploram os dados e procuram identificar tendências, padrões e possíveis erros. Os Analistas de Dados também podem criar representações visuais, como tabelas e gráficos para mostrar melhor o que os dados revelam. No final das contas, a escolha entre analista de dados e cientista de dados depende das suas habilidades, interesses e aspirações profissionais. Ambas as carreiras oferecem oportunidades promissoras no mundo tech, e o importante é encontrar aquela em que você se sinta mais realizado e motivado.

Quem é analista de dados gera insights para decisões e até união dos dados com a experiência e intuição para a resolução de problemas. Ambas as carreiras oferecem oportunidades promissoras no mundo tech, pois a demanda por profissionais especializados em análise de dados só tende a crescer. É importante considerar suas https://www.florestanoticias.com/2024/05/07/como-a-ciencia-de-dados-e-o-aprendizado-de-maquina-estao-revolucionando-o-mundo-dos-negocios/ habilidades e interesses pessoais, bem como o tipo de trabalho que você deseja realizar. Um cientista de dados projeta processos de modelagem de dados usando codificação e conhecimentos matemáticos. Os cientistas de dados criam algoritmos e modelos preditivos usando aprendizado de máquina e programação avançada.

Qual a diferença entre analista, cientista e engenheiro de dados? Blog Melhor Profissão

Só assim é possível criar insights capazes de ajudar na estratégia de negócio de uma empresa de forma inteligente e fundamentada. O bacharelado tem duração de quatro anos e está disponível em 426 polos espalhados no estado de São Paulo. O seu conteúdo é pautado na apresentação de ferramentas matemáticas, estatísticas e computacionais, que permitem extrair informações relevantes de dados. Em Como a ciência de dados e o aprendizado de máquina estão revolucionando o mundo dos negócios São Paulo, a PUC-SP também aposta na realização de cursos de bacharelado em Ciência de Dados e Inteligência Artificial. A formação mescla conhecimentos interdisciplinares de estatística, engenharia, computação e economia com assuntos como machine learning e big data. O cientista de dados é o profissional responsável por estudar os dados e procurar extrair deles informações relevantes.

Jornada do usuário: como utilizar o poder dos dados para impulsionar resultados?

Entretanto, as suas funções envolvem mais a interpretação dos dados do que a sua construção e organização em modelos. Isso porque cientistas de dados têm um papel fundamental em alimentar com inteligência e informações as mais diversas áreas da empresa. Muito mais do que uma área técnica, essa é uma carreira estratégica e de alto impacto nas organizações. De acordo com o Glassdoor, em média, o salário de analista de dados em São Paulo é de R $4.852. É comum que profissionais das áreas de Administração, Contabilidade e Business Intelligence invistam nessa carreira pela afinidade com número, planilhas e tomada de decisões.

analista ou cientista de dados

Rotina de um Analista de Dados

Cientistas de Dados trabalham com diferentes conjuntos de dados para extrair insights e fazer previsões. Eles usam Estatística, Machine Learning e outras técnicas avançadas para analisar dados e criar modelos. Cientistas de Dados geralmente devem ter conhecimento em diferentes disciplinas, uma vez que a Ciência de Dados é uma área multidisciplinar. Concluindo, podemos apontar que a principal diferença entre o papel de analista de dados e cientista de dados é que analistas de dados terão maior foco em análises para respostas rápidas.

O que é um analista de dados?

  • As habilidades de um Analista de Dados podem não ser tão avançadas quanto as habilidades de um Cientista de Dados, mas seus objetivos são muito semelhantes.
  • Isso envolve descartar dados irrelevantes ou inutilizáveis ​​e colocar dados limpos em um formato utilizável.
  • O trabalho desse profissional é muito complexo e exige conhecimento interdisciplinar, pois quanto maior for o seu desempenho em lidar com sistemas numéricos e algarismos, melhor será a sua atuação.
  • O cientista de dados é uma profissão que vem ganhando destaque no mercado e tarefa difícil para Head hunters, diretores de RH e executivos de TI para inserção nas empresas devido suas qualidades.
  • “Por sua vez, o engenheiro de dados é responsável por criar a base para o trabalho dos cientistas.

Assim, não só é capaz de apontar caminhos, mas também utiliza conhecimentos em programação para arquitetar processos, utilizando os dados que possui para criar novas soluções. O cientista de dados, por sua vez, analisa dados de várias fontes e os utiliza para criar modelos preditivos que https://www.florestanoticias.com/2024/05/07/como-a-ciencia-de-dados-e-o-aprendizado-de-maquina-estao-revolucionando-o-mundo-dos-negocios/ possam ajudar nas decisões da empresa. Por isso, esse profissional costuma trabalhar mais próximo dos líderes de TI e stakeholders da organização. Essas explicações são fornecidas através de visualizações e relatórios, para que as empresas possam tomar decisões estratégicas com eles.

E com as vantagens de uma pós-graduação a distância, quem atua nessa área pode seguir se aperfeiçoando remotamente, de casa ou onde for mais conveniente, aliando o aperfeiçoamento profissional com a rotina de cada um. Embora os cargos pareçam iguais, há uma grande diferença prática entre o analista e o cientista de dados. Isso porque um deles tem um olhar mais focado para o presente, enquanto o outro trabalha possibilidades para o futuro.

Aspirantes a analistas de dados podem optar por aprimorar essas habilidades com estudos de pós-graduação, mas isso não é um requisito obrigatório. Os analistas de dados geralmente trabalham ao lado de engenheiros e gerentes seniores para criar processos de modelagem e tomar decisões baseadas em dados. Os analistas de dados criam tabelas e gráficos para representar visualmente conjuntos de dados e mostrar suas descobertas.

Diferenças entre um analista de dados e um cientista de dados

Autora de uma das propostas de “orçamento de guerra”, a deputada gaúcha Fernanda Melchionna diz que a medida é necessária diante de “uma reconstrução que vai ser longa, difícil e em muitas áreas”. “A preferência do governo é para aumentar despesa e essa decisão está exaurindo todo o espaço fiscal que existia”, critica. Para Barros, a estratégia do governo não deixa folga nas contas públicas para reagir a situações excepcionais, como as inundações que atingem o Rio Grande do Sul. A meta estabelecida pela lei orçamentária de 2024 é que o governo reverta o rombo registrado nos anos anteriores e feche o ano no zero a zero, ou seja, sem economizar ou gastar mais do que arrecada. A ideia, porém, está sendo criticada por especialistas em contas públicas que consideram que o “orçamento de guerra” traria uma flexibilização excessiva das regras fiscais.

Análisis de datos Qué son, historia, características, tipos y ejemplos

De hecho, según un informe reciente de Forrester, las organizaciones basadas en datos pueden crecer más de un 30 % al año. Es una parte vital de la transformación digital y un negocio con curso de análisis de datos la capacidad de crecer a escala. La desviación típica es una medida que se utiliza para saber cuánto difiere la distribución de los datos de la media, y debes saber cómo calcularla.

  • Por otro lado, la falta de puntualidad en los nuevos desarrollos, la limitación de los conocimientos y los elevados costes de gestión han hecho que a lo largo de los años se hayan evaluado alternativas para el análisis de datos.
  • Para quien quiera profundizar en el concepto, también vale la pena conocer el análisis predictivo, que ve los datos dentro de una espiral histórica y busca predecir resultados futuros.
  • Esto da como resultado una mejora impactante en la toma de decisiones en toda la organización y resultados de negocios en tiempo real.
  • Si tienes definido el objetivo de tu análisis de datos también sabrás qué medir y cómo; por eso es un paso fundamental que afecta el resto del proceso.
  • Y aquí tienes una guía ,en inglés, sobre los conocimientos de Estadística que necesitas saber para entrar al campo de la ciencia de datos y desarrollarte en disciplinas como Machine Learning.

Análisis de redes sociales

Según sean los resultados que busques, puedes valerte también de estrategias, como la gestión de datos maestros o MDM, para garantizar que la información que obtengas sea realmente valiosa. No se trata de solo obtener información, sino de procesar, seleccionar y visualizar los datos para interpretarlos. Deberá mostrarte indicadores que quizá no hayas apreciado en su momento y que son clave para entender por qué tu empresa crece, se detiene o empieza a perder impulso. Esta metodología se utiliza para analizar las relaciones y conexiones en una red social.

analisis de datos

Capacidades de análisis de datos

”A través de la automatización y el diseño basado en datos, nuestra empresa ha ayudado a 15,000 arquitectos e ingenieros a realizar modelos de energía, análisis de luz natural y optimizaciones de costos en más de 22,000 proyectos”. El análisis de datos incorpora la automatización de varias tareas de datos, como la migración, la preparación, la elaboración de informes y la integración. Elimina las ineficiencias manuales y reduce el tiempo y las horas de trabajo necesarias para completar las operaciones de datos. No solo predice lo que es probable que ocurra, sino que sugiere una respuesta óptima para ese resultado. Puede analizar las posibles implicaciones de las diferentes alternativas y recomendar el mejor curso de acción. Se caracteriza por el análisis de gráficos, la simulación, el procesamiento de eventos complejos, las redes neuronales y los motores de recomendación.

  • Esto permite a los usuarios empresariales analizar datos y crear informes por su cuenta, con una capacitación mínima y asistencia de TI.
  • Por lo tanto, es importante que al hacer categorías realices una limpieza de datos y descubras si es necesario almacenar algunos de ellos en otras bases con potencial para consultarse en un futuro.
  • Con las inversiones adecuadas en negocios basados ​​en datos, su análisis de datos puede volverse más efectivo y su empresa puede crecer estratégicamente.
  • Los datos se recogen de diversas fuentes (BD, ERP, sensores, alimentación de sitios web,…) que contienen información estructurada y no estructurada.
  • En marketing, la inteligencia artificial puede analizar datos de clientes y comportamiento en línea para ofrecer recomendaciones personalizadas y campañas de marketing más efectivas.
  • Los resultados finales de una elección se definen en votaciones, de forma que ninguna encuesta, método estadístico, o IA puede decir con exactitud y consistencia cómo serán estos resultados.

Visualización y exploración de datos

analisis de datos

El análisis de datos en los negocios permite tomar decisiones informadas, comprender y predecir el comportamiento del cliente, optimizar los procesos comerciales y mejorar el rendimiento empresarial. El análisis de datos es crucial porque permite descubrir información valiosa y tomar decisiones informadas en diversos campos, desde los negocios hasta la investigación científica. Un centro de excelencia es una función de analítica centralizada, desarrollada para difundir e implementar eficazmente una cultura de análisis de datos como prioridad en toda la organización, con el objetivo de mejorar la eficiencia operativa y los https://digitalconfidencial.com/mexico/entrar-en-el-mundo-de-los-datos-con-el-bootcamp-de-tripleten-para-ganar-un-salario-por-encima-del-promedio/ procesos. Esto da como resultado una mejora impactante en la toma de decisiones en toda la organización y resultados de negocios en tiempo real. Con un centro de excelencia eficaz, las organizaciones disponen de entrenamiento, consultoría, orientación y soporte internos, pueden impulsar las mejores prácticas, implementar un marco metodológico de modelado de analítica y maximizar el retorno de la inversión. El análisis de datos es un proceso sistemático y metódico que implica la recopilación, organización, interpretación y visualización de conjuntos de datos con el objetivo de extraer información significativa y relevante.

¿Qué recursos tendré a mi disposición durante el proceso de búsqueda de empleo?

Konfío es una compañía crediticia que aprovecha la información bancaria y los datos de la vida financiera de las personas para otorgar créditos inmediatos a empresas y organizaciones en crecimiento. Esto significa que la empresa hace uso de herramientas de analítica de datos para estimar la capacidad de pago de un solicitante, diagnosticar su salud crediticia y ofrecer productos hechos a la medida. La empresa Bimbo ha trabajado desde el 2019 en la búsqueda de soluciones tecnológicas para hacer mas eficientes sus procesos operativos y la gestión de ventas. Es por ello que han desarrollado un sistema que analiza toda la información de cada una de las diferentes operaciones comerciales llevadas a cabo por todos sus días de venta. Esto permite a la empresa trabajar mejor con sus clientes, encontrar formas de optimizar procesos y hallar nuevas oportunidades de mercado.

¿Cuáles son las principales competencias de un analista de datos?‎

Esto puede parecer obvio, pero en la práctica, no todas las organizaciones están tan orientadas a los datos como podrían estarlo. Según la empresa de consultoría de gestión global McKinsey Global Institute, las empresas que se basan en los datos son mejores a la hora de captar nuevos clientes, mantener su fidelidad y lograr una rentabilidad superior a la media [2]. Cuando hablamos del análisis de datos es importante conocer el orden que debemos seguir para extraer los insights más valiosos de nuestra investigación. Diseñado para proporcionar respuestas directas y procesables a preguntas concretas, es uno de los métodos más importantes del mundo en la investigación, entre sus otras funciones organizativas clave, como la analítica de la venta retail, por ejemplo. El análisis de datos se utiliza en muchas industrias, independientemente del ramo, nos da las bases para tomar o no una decisión o cerciorarnos si una hipótesis es cierta o no.

¿Para qué sirve el análisis de datos en la empresa?

Puedes finalizar el programa en menos de 6 meses, con una dedicación menor a 10 horas semanales. Si estás interesado en una carrera en el campo de alto crecimiento de la analítica de datos, puedes comenzar a construir habilidades laborales con el Certificado profesional de Google https://elrinconfinanciero.mx/conseguir-un-salario-por-encima-del-promedio-en-el-mundo-de-los-datos-gracias-al-bootcamp-de-tripleten/ Data Analytics. Prepárate para un trabajo de nivel inicial mientras aprendes de los empleados de Google, sin necesidad de tener experiencia ni título. Una vez que termines, podrás presentar tu candidatura directamente a más de 30 empleadores de México (incluido Google).

Las Vegas Strip set to reopen on June 4

Las Vegas Strip set to reopen on June 4

(CNN) — Detailed housekeeping checklists. Half-empty casinos. Reservations-only dining. No shows, nightclubs or sporting events. These are just some of the realities that travelers can expect when Las Vegas reopens for tourist traffic this week.

Put simply, Vegas will be back as of June 4, but it won’t look like the destination we know and love.

Like much of the country, the city effectively has been shut down to visitors since mid-March, an effort on the part of casino companies and local officials to slow the spread of Covid-19.

Now, after more than 70 days of locked resorts, shuttered restaurants, lap-less lap dances and a deserted Las Vegas Boulevard, Sin City is gearing up to lean into sin again — at least, as much debauchery as one can experience wearing a face mask, sanitizing hands regularly and standing or sitting six feet from everyone else.

A step toward “normalcy”

The famous sign welcomes motorists on the south end of the Las Vegas Strip.

Ethan Miller/Getty Images North America/Getty Images

“We’re welcoming visitors back, but we’re going to take every precaution possible,” he said in an online briefing. “We’re encouraging visitors to come and enjoy themselves and have a good time.”

Still, Vegas will look different. Even a new television advertising campaign uses plain language to alert visitors that things may be unfamiliar in Las Vegas for the foreseeable future: “The world has changed, and Vegas is changing with it,” the ad says.

That ad was produced by the Las Vegas Convention & Visitors Authority (LVCVA), the organization charged with marketing Southern Nevada and the same group that put together the famous “What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas” campaign. CEO Steve Hill said the idea behind the new ad is to reassure visitors that while Las Vegas might not look familiar, it’s still the same place.

“People think of Las Vegas as an escape, and it can still be an escape from what everyone has had to go through over the last two-and-a-half or three months,” said Hill. “Certain aspects of [Las Vegas] won’t necessarily be what you’re used to, but you’ll absolutely be able to come and have a great time.”

As Hill suggests, a restart in Las Vegas is a step toward “normalcy,” the return of a destination that epitomizes the independence, bravado and eclecticism of the American ideal.

Here’s a closer look at what a Vegas vacation might look like in the next couple of months.

Hotels restart gradually

New York-New York Hotel & Casino on the Las Vegas Strip is preparing to reopen.

New York-New York Hotel & Casino on the Las Vegas Strip is preparing to reopen.

Ethan Miller/Getty Images

Without question, the most important aspect of reopening Las Vegas is reopening the hotels — people who are visiting from outside the city obviously need places to stay. At last check there were roughly 150,000 hotel rooms around the Las Vegas Valley; only a fraction of these will open June 4.

On the Las Vegas Strip, the 4-mile stretch of Las Vegas Boulevard that runs from the “Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas” sign to Sahara Avenue, casinos to open June 4 will include New York-New York Hotel & Casino, The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas, Bellagio, Caesars Palace, the Flamingo Las Vegas, the Venetian and Wynn Las Vegas.

Off-Strip, many Station Casinos and Boyd Gaming resorts are opening on the same date.

Derek Stevens, who owns both The D Las Vegas and the Golden Gate Casino downtown, will open his properties June 4 as well. Always a showman, on Wednesday Stevens offered 1,000 free one-way airplane tickets to Las Vegas to get visitors to return.

All the tickets were claimed on the D Las Vegas website within two hours, and when Stevens added another 1,000 free one-way tickets, they were also almost immediately snapped up.

“We knew there was a high demand for Las Vegas, and to see these flights book as quickly as they did is overwhelming and exciting,” said Stevens in a press release. “Whether people decide to visit my casinos or explore other parts of the city, this is a strong indicator of how Las Vegas can quickly be restored to its former glory.”

Rich Broome, spokesman for Caesars Entertainment, said most companies are embracing a phased approach to gauge demand and minimize risk to employees.

“None of us has any idea what demand is going to be,” he said, noting that resorts and hotels that aren’t opening next week likely are taking reservations for stays starting July 1. “We’re starting slowly and will gradually go from there.”

All casino resorts will reopen with ample hand sanitizing stations throughout the properties. They also will give out free face masks (some even branded with company logos). Some, such as Bellagio and New York-New York, will have actual hand-washing stations with water and towels and soap. New signage will recommend that guests always wear masks, but the face coverings will not be required for visitors — just for employees.

Some resorts will embrace additional precautions. Wynn Resorts properties plan to use thermal imaging cameras at every entrance to intercept people with fevers. The Venetian has put together a team of 25 Emergency Medical Technicians to be on hand in case guests require immediate attention.

The pool party's over; events like Flo Rida's performance at Flamingo Las Vegas' GO Pool Dayclub in May 2019 will not be returning anytime soon.

The pool party’s over; events like Flo Rida’s performance at Flamingo Las Vegas’ GO Pool Dayclub in May 2019 will not be returning anytime soon.

Denise Truscello/WireImage/Getty Images

Most hotels will reopen with pool access; some will have pool decks operating on reduced schedules. Though the raucous pool parties that Vegas is known for are probably not coming back anytime soon.

Two other pluses: Many hotels will roll out keyless entry programs to minimize queues at the check-in desk, and most will reopen with free parking — a longtime Vegas amenity that gradually disappeared over the course of the last two years.

On the flipside, nightclubs, shows and some spas will continue to be closed for the foreseeable future — part of an ongoing order from Sisolak designed to minimize risk, promote adequate social distancing and protect public health.

One of the biggest differences between pre- and post-pandemic Vegas will be in-room housekeeping protocols.

In the past, each company had its own set of rules. Now, all hotels must comply with procedural cleaning standards as provided by the Centers for Disease Control, Southern Nevada Health District, World Health Organization and the local gaming control board.

CNN’s Richard Quest goes inside the Four Seasons Hotel New York to see what steps they are taking to keep guests healthy during the coronavirus pandemic.

These new protocols include housekeepers refreshing all linens and glassware between stays, cleaning HVAC filters more frequently, and spending extra time wiping down high-touch surfaces such as telephones and television remotes.

John Flynn, vice president of administration at MGM Resorts, said after his company’s housekeeping staffers have cleaned a room, they will affix a sticker seal on the door, so guests know no-one has accessed the room since. Flynn, who heads up the company’s health and safety strategy, said that while this isn’t one of the specific requirements, MGM has opted to do it to help put customers’ minds at ease.

“We intend to go above and beyond to offer peace of mind,” he said. “We believe that collectively, we can still make a trip to Las Vegas a great experience and create lifelong memories.”

Casinos: a work in progress

A mock-up of a hand-washing station on the casino floor at the Bellagio in Las Vegas offers a glimpse at what visitors can expect.

A mock-up of a hand-washing station on the casino floor at the Bellagio in Las Vegas offers a glimpse at what visitors can expect.

Courtesy MGM International

Gamblers, take note: Las Vegas casinos are going to be unfamiliar territory for the foreseeable future.

Sure, the casino floor will still have your favorite games. Yes, there still will be opportunities to rake in jackpots. Odds will not change.

Overall, however, an effort to create distance between players will make the experience way less social, and, in some cases, new approaches to certain games will leave the environment feeling sterile.

Take craps, for instance. A standard craps table holds 14 players; seven on each end. Under new social distancing rules put out by the Nevada Gaming Control Board, casinos can have no more than three players at either end, for a total of six.

What’s more, casinos must limit crowds from gathering behind the person throwing the dice — a tradition that often results in cheers that can be heard echoing throughout the casino.

“You’ll still be able to play your favorite games in the casinos, but the scene will be different,” said Broome, from Caesars. “Safety is our No. 1 priority, and we’re going to do whatever we have to do keep it that way.”

Other table games will implement new rules. Blackjack, which usually seats six, will only allow three players at a time. Same with Pai Gow Poker. And roulette.

Casinos will likely staff fewer gaming pits.

In the slot department, casinos are either removing half of their slot machines or simply shutting half the machines off. During an interview with CNN earlier this month, Caesars CEO Tony Rodio said his company was planning to remove chairs in front of decommissioned slots so visitors wouldn’t even be tempted to sit down.

CNN’s Kyung Lah speaks with the CEO of Caesars Entertainment Tony Rodio about how the pandemic has halted operations at the iconic Caesars Palace in Las Vegas, and how the hotel and casino plans to reopen once restrictions are eased.

Howard Stutz, a longtime gambling journalist and executive editor of the CDC Gaming Reports news service, said that while casino policies seem a bit severe, executives are doing the best they can.

“It’s not like there’s a playbook for this,” said Stutz, who also is a frequent contributor to The Nevada Independent, a nonpartisan news outlet. “The biggest question they’re asking now is, simply, ‘Will people actually come?'”

To make potential visitors even more comfortable, some casinos were considering adding plexiglass and acrylic barriers to certain table games to protect dealers from players and players from each other.

Images from Bellagio showed craps tables with acrylic dividers between betting positions. Images from Wynn Las Vegas and the El Cortez (which is downtown) showed blackjack tables with translucent hockey-style partitions between bettors and dealer.

While casino executives said they would sanitize chips regularly, none offered firm details on how.

Another hot button issue that executives were still sorting out: Whether to ban smoking on the casino floor. This change can only be authorized by the Nevada legislature.

“It will be interesting to see how it all plays out,” Stutz said.

Restaurants open … if you dare

The Mayfair Supper Club

The Mayfair Supper Club opened at Bellagio Resort & Casino on New Year’s Eve 2019.

Courtesy The Mayfair Supper Club

Las Vegas has established itself as one of the hottest dining destinations in the United States.

Still, restaurant experiences over the next few weeks at restaurants inside and outside resorts will be different than anything Sin City has ever seen.

For starters, buffets are closed, and may ultimately be closed forever.

Next, walk ins are prohibited; all dine-in customers must make reservations in advance. Guests cannot dine in groups larger than five, and all diners must be from the same household or living unit.

Finally, dining rooms will be set in such a way that no table is closer than six feet from another table — even if the tables are outside.

Other dramatic changes at restaurants around town will include masked servers, disposable menus, and, at least at some eateries, utensil-and-napkin set-ups that are wrapped in plastic and certified to be clean.

Of course, every open restaurant also is selling food to-go, a strange sight at some of the higher-end joints in town.

Thankfully, one of the only parts of the Vegas dining scene that won’t change at all is the food itself.

This means visitors to Esther’s Kitchen, the award-winning restaurant in the Arts District near downtown, can enjoy signature pastas like always from Chef James Trees, who is a finalist for the 2020 James Beard Award in the category of Best Chef Southwest.

After being closed for roughly two months, Trees opened his restaurant May 15 for weekend dining only and said his staff is “raring to serve” visitors when they return.

“[The time away] was a chance for us to get back to basics,” he said. “People are seeking normalcy. If they can get it from a loaf of bread or a dish of pasta, that’s the most important thing we can do.”

For visitors who don’t want to fuss with individual reservations, tour companies are filling the void.

In response to demand for more socially distant dining, Finger Licking Foodie Tours earlier this month rolled out a self-guided tour that includes reservations at three different restaurants downtown.

The $79 experience includes one round of signature dishes at each eatery. Company President Donald Contursi said seating is limited only to those in the same party, and that participants receive a discount on additional food they wish to buy.

“[This is] a way for people to celebrate dining out again without breaking the bank and make them feel special after all they’ve been through,” he wrote in a recent email.

Attractions at a distance

Bright lights: The Las Vegas Neon Museum is committed to business as usual.

Bright lights: The Las Vegas Neon Museum is committed to business as usual.

The Neon Museum

People love the attractions in Las Vegas, and those will be different, too.

Nightlife without shows and nightclubs will require visitors to be more creative on their own. Relaxing without use of the spa could create more anxiety than intended. Even shopping malls likely will open with different rules and hours.

ICEBAR, the frozen ice lounge at The LINQ Promenade on the Strip, planned to open in the first half of June. In addition to enhanced sanitization protocols and masks and gloves for staff, management has tripled the number of parkas on hand so each one may be thoroughly cleaned after use.

Other off-Strip attractions also appear committed to presenting visitors with a semblance of business as usual.

The Neon Museum, for example, which curates old neon signs and is mostly outdoors, reopened May 22 with new protocols that included screening visitors for fevers at the front door, limiting numbers to allow for social distancing, and wiping down frequently touched surfaces at least once an hour.

Guests who visit the downtown museum in the next few weeks can see the electrified Stardust sign, as well as four pieces by Tim Burton in an ongoing exhibit.

The Mob Museum, which is also downtown, is expecting to reopen May 31. There, visitors will be required to wear face masks, and each guest will receive a bottle of hand sanitizer with the price of admission.

Guests may opt for free rubber gloves or a stylus to use with some of the interactive exhibits.

All by myself: A near-deserted Fremont Street, after casinos were ordered to shut down due to the coronavirus outbreak in March is an unusual site.

All by myself: A near-deserted Fremont Street, after casinos were ordered to shut down due to the coronavirus outbreak in March is an unusual site.

John Locher/AP

The Fremont Street Experience, an outdoor mall in the heart of downtown, has been closed for more than two months, but CEO Patrick Hughes said the attraction will reopen in early June as well.

Hughes noted that crews will use a special disinfecting fog to sanitize surfaces twice a day, doing their best to keep the normally crowded area clean. He added that Fremont Street Experience will install temporary signage reminding visitors to take social distancing seriously.

“There’s the tagline previously of ‘We’ve always gone one louder,’ but now we’re going to be encouraging people to go one longer,” Hughes told the local NPR affiliate. “Whereas six feet distancing will be recommended, we’ll tell you to go seven feet just to go one longer.”

Even McCarran International Airport seems primed to get in on spreading public health awareness.

Last week the airport rolled out new guidelines vowing to use hospital-grade cleaning products on all high-touch surfaces and strongly suggesting that only ticketed passengers and employees enter terminals in order to minimize risk of exposure and spread.

“We understand that the airport and travel experience is going to be different from what people experienced before the Covid-19 outbreak,” said Rosemary Vassiliadis, Clark County director of aviation. “This campaign will help passengers understand the changes they will see and instill the confidence to feel they can still travel in a safe and healthy way.”

Outdoor adventure

Arch rock formations at the Valley of Fire, Nevada's first and oldest State Park, may be even more appealing to visitors during the coronavirus era.

Arch rock formations at the Valley of Fire, Nevada’s first and oldest State Park, may be even more appealing to visitors during the coronavirus era.

George Rose/Getty Images

Perhaps the only part of the Las Vegas Valley that will feel semi-normal after June 4 is the great outdoors.

This is the ultimate destination for social distancing; with Spring Mountain National Recreation Area to the northwest, Red Rock National Conservation Area to the west, Lake Mead National Recreation Area to the south and Lake Las Vegas to the east, there are literally hundreds of thousands of acres of open space to explore within a one-hour drive of the Strip.

Add to this Valley of Fire State Park and Grand Canyon National Park farther afield, and — so long as you hydrate appropriately — it’s possible to visit Las Vegas and spend most of your time outside.

The new ad from the LVCVA embraces this fact, highlighting all the city’s “space” and showing clips of a fit couple hiking in the desert.

The emphasis is subtle, but it is a notable pivot. Steve Hill, the organization’s CEO, said that now is high time for regular visitors to Vegas to explore an aspect of the city they’ve never tried before.

“It’s never too late to get to know a new side of Las Vegas,” he said. “This is the chance to do just that.”

Matt Villano is a writer and editor based in Northern California. He has written and updated 13 guidebooks about Las Vegas and has visited more than 130 times since 2003. He has no issue with playing three-handed Pai Gow. Learn more about him at whalehead.com.

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Which international destinations are reopening to tourists?

Which international destinations are reopening to tourists?

(CNN) — Although most governments are still advising against “nonessential” international travel, a host of popular destinations are beginning to ease their Covid-19 lockdown measures and border restrictions and are moving toward welcoming tourists back.

Earlier this month, the European Union unveiled an action plan to reopen its internal borders in time for summer, while countries such as Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania have formed “travel bubbles,” lifting restrictions for each other’s citizens.

A number of Caribbean islands are preparing to open their doors to foreign visitors in June, while destinations such as Mexico and Thailand are planning to open up again region by region in the coming weeks.

If you’re one of many travelers eagerly awaiting news on where you can travel to this year, here’s a guide to the top destinations making plans to reopen, as well as some of those that are keeping their borders firmly closed for now.


Cyprus has pledged to cover holiday costs for Covid-19-positive tourists and their families.

Courtesy Cyprus Tourism Organisation

Cyprus is so keen to get its tourism industry back on track, officials are offering to cover the costs of any travelers who test positive for Covid-19 while on vacation in the Mediterranean island nation.

According to a letter shared with CNN, the Cypriot government will pay for lodging, as well as food, drink and medication for tourists who are taken ill with coronavirus during their visit.

The detailed plan was set out in a five-page letter issued to governments, airlines and tour operators on May 26.

Officials have also earmarked a 100-bed hospital for foreign travelers who test positive, while a 500-room “quarantine hotel” will be available to patients’ family and “close contacts.”

“The traveler will only need to bear the cost of their airport transfer and repatriation flight, in collaboration with their agent and/or airline,” states the letter.

The news came shortly after Cyprus Transport Minister Yiannis Karousos announced hotels in the country will reopen on June 1, while international air travel will restart on June 9.

Once the destination reopens, visitors from only chosen countries will be allowed to enter.

Incoming flights from Greece, Malta, Bulgaria, Norway, Austria, Finland, Slovenia, Hungary, Israel, Denmark, Germany, Slovakia and Lithuania will be authorized first.

From June 20, Cyprus will also permit incoming flights from Switzerland, Poland, Romania, Croatia, Estonia and the Czech Republic.

However, the list is to be expanded to include furthe23r countries in the coming months.

Travelers heading to Cyprus will need to provide a valid certificate proving they’ve tested negative for Covid-19, while they’ll be subject to temperature checks on arrival as well as testing at random during the course of their trip.

The destination has already put measures in place to protect travelers and residents, such as ensuring hotel staff wear masks and gloves, regularly disinfecting sunbeds and keeping tables at restaurants, bars, cafés,and pubs at least two meters (6.5 feet) apart.


Tourists prepare to surf at Uluwatu beach South Kuta in Badung regency on Bali island, on December 20, 2018

At least 6.3 million people visited Bali in 2019.


Bali has also been successful in containing its coronavirus outbreak, with less than 350 confirmed cases and, at the time of writing, a total of four deaths.

The Indonesian island now hopes to welcome tourists back by October, provided its infection rates stay low.

Bali’s economy is hugely dependent on tourism and visitor numbers have been rising in recent years, with around 6.3 million people visiting in 2019.

“The coronavirus has collapsed the Balinese economy … it’s been a steep drop since [mid-March] when social-distancing measures were put in place,” Mangku Nyoman Kandia, a Bali tour guide, told ABC News in April. “No tourist, no money.”

All foreign nationals, except for diplomats, permanent residents and humanitarian workers, are currently banned from Indonesia, and anyone entering the island must undergo a swab test and provide a letter stating they are free of Covid-19.

It’s unclear what the entry requirements will be if restrictions are lifted later this year, or whether Bali will accept travelers from regions badly affected by the pandemic.


Visitors wearing face masks, amid concerns over the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus, walk along street shops in Hua Hin beach in Thailand on May 19, 2020

Thailand plans to reopen different regions stage by stage towards the end of 2020.

JACK TAYLOR/AFP via Getty Images

Thailand has long been among the top destinations for travelers, receiving close to 40 million foreign tourists last year.

However, visitors have been banned from entering the Southeast Asian country since March because of the pandemic.

While the number of cases here has been relatively low in comparison to other destinations — Thailand has reported more than 3,000 confirmed cases and over 50 deaths — officials aren’t taking any chances when it comes to reopening the country.

“It is still dependent on the outbreak situation, but I think the earliest we may see the return of tourists could be the fourth quarter of this year,” Yuthasak Supasorn, governor of the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) told CNN Travel.

The governor went on to stress there will be limitations on who can visit the country and what regions they can go to once restrictions are relaxed.

“We are not going to open all at once,” he added. “We are still on high alert, we just can’t let our guards down yet.

“We have to look at the country of origin [of the travelers] to see if their situation has truly improved.”

This effectively means Thailand is unlikely to open its borders to travelers from destinations that don’t appear to have the coronavirus situation under control.

Those that are given permission to enter may be offered “long-stay packages” in isolated areas “where health monitoring can be easily controlled,” such as the remote islands of Koh Pha Ngan and Koh Samui.

However, Thailand’s borders are firmly shut for the time being.

The ban on incoming international commercial flights — excluding repatriation flights — was recently extended until June 30 and Phuket International Airport remains closed.

Like many other global destinations, Thailand is currently focusing on domestic tourism.

In fact, some resorts and hotels have already been given the go ahead to reopen — Hua Hin, located about 200 kilometers (124 miles) south of Bangkok, being one of them.

Shopping malls, museums, markets and some tourist attractions have also been reopening their doors, with Bangkok’s Grand Palace due to reopen on June 4.


Dona Ana beach in Lagos on April 18, 2018 in the southern Portugal region of Algarve

Residents of France will be allowed to take holidays within the country during July and August.

DAMIEN MEYER/AFP via Getty Images

France was the most visited country in the world before the coronavirus pandemic.

Now, like the rest of the EU, restrictions are currently in place on all nonessential travel from outside the Schengen Zone (a grouping of 26 countries which normally have open borders).

Travelers who do enter the country, with the exception of EU citizens or arrivals from the UK, will be subject to a compulsory 14-day coronavirus quarantine until at least July 24.

Although the government is slowly lifting lockdown measures, with car journeys of up to 100 kilometers now allowed and beaches beginning to reopen, officials have made it clear the country is in no hurry to ease border restrictions for international travelers.

“Since the start of the crisis, the closure of the borders is the rule, and the authorization to cross a border is the exception.

“What is good for tourism is often good for France, what strikes tourism strikes France,” he said during a news conference.

Although some businesses have been given permission to reopen, the country’s hotels, bars, restaurants and cafés are to remain closed at least until June 2.

Even then, it’s unlikely establishments in Paris, which has been marked as a coronavirus “red zone” by officials, will be allowed to open any time soon.

It was announced on May 29 that the country’s most visited museum, the Louvre, will reopen July 6.

“Tourism is facing what is probably its worst challenge in modern history,” added Philippe. “Because this is one of the crown jewels of the French economy, rescuing it is a national priority.”

He went on to state that residents can take holidays within France during July and August.

The country’s hotels will be reliant on domestic tourism once they do reopen, as all signs suggest international travelers will not be able to enter for the foreseeable future.

“When the lockdown measures soften, French tourists are likely to want to stay close to home in the short term,” a spokesperson for French hotel chain Accor told CNN Travel earlier this month.

“It will be the moment for them to rediscover their own country and we will be there to welcome them.”


Athinios, Santorini

Officials in Greece are hoping to reopen the country on June 15.

cunfek/Getty Images

Tourism accounts for almost 20% of Greece’s gross domestic product, as well as one in five jobs, so it’s perhaps no surprise the Mediterranean nation is angling to reopen to tourists as soon as it possibly can.

The European country, which managed to keep its coronavirus case numbers low by implementing a strict lockdown early on, plans to allow travelers back in on June 15.

“The tourism period begins on June 15, when seasonal hotels can reopen,” Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis announced on May 20.

“Let us make this summer the epilogue of the [Covid-19] crisis,” he added.

Mitsotakis went on to state that direct international flights to Greek destinations will slowly resume from July 1, and tourists will no longer be expected to take a Covid-19 test or go into quarantine on arrival.

However, Tourism Minister Haris Theoharis has indicated health officials will conduct spot tests when necessary.

“The tourism experience this summer may be slightly different from what you’ve had in previous years,” Mitsotakis told CNN earlier this month.

“Maybe no bars may be open, or no tight crowds, but you can still get a fantastic experience in Greece — provided that the global epidemic is on a downward path.”

Bars and restaurants have also been allowed to take up business again, while city hotels are scheduled to reopen on June 1, followed by seasonal hotels in July.

All international passengers had previously been required to take a Covid-19 test upon arrival or go into quarantine for 14 days.

Mitsotakis had suggested tourists would be required to undergo testing before their visit as a further precaution in the future, but it seems this is no longer the case.


View of the Berliner Dom (Berlin Cathedral) taken on March 3

Restrictions in Germany are being gently relaxed as the country prepares to revive its tourism industry.


Although nonessential travel to Germany is prohibited at present, the land of poets and thinkers intends to lift restrictions for EU countries from June 15, according to German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas.

Officials are also considering allowing entry to visitors from Turkey, the UK, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland, although a final decision is yet to be made.

The proposal was listed in a paper called “Criteria for the Enabling of intra-European Tourism,” which suggested the current travel warnings would be replaced by individual travel advice relating to each country.

“The revitalization of tourism is important both for travelers and the German travel industry, as well as for the economic stability of the respective target countries,” it reads.

The Austria/Germany land border is also reopening — travel between Austria and Germany will be possible from June 15 — and restrictions around the country are being relaxed.

While bars are still closed, restaurants began reopening on May 18, while hotels were permitted to open up again from May 29.


Aerial view of an almost empty beach in Cancun, Quintana Roo state, Mexico

Over the coming weeks, Mexico will begin to open up region by region.


Mexico is aiming to welcome visitors back within weeks.

While the nation remains in lockdown, with hotels and restaurants yet to recommence business, officials are planning to reopen the country bit by bit in order to get things back on track.

“The target is domestic travelers first, followed by travelers from the US and Canada and then the rest of the world.

The border between the US and Mexico border is closed to “nonessential” travel until at least June 22 and most international flights in and out of Mexico’s key airports are currently suspended or significantly reduced.

However, Delta Air Lines will be increasing and/or resuming various services from the US to Cancun, Mexico City Los Cabos and Puerta Vallarta in the coming weeks.

Quintana Roo, a state on the Caribbean side of Mexico that’s home to the likes of Cancun, Playa del Carmen and Tulum, hopes to reopen in mid-June, according to Marisol Vanegas, the state’s tourism secretary.

“We want to revive tourism and expect to start opening sights and hotels sometime between June 10 and 15 but don’t know which ones yet,” she says.

“It depends on what the federal government allows us to do.”

Rodrigo Esponda, managing director of the Los Cabos Tourism Board, says he hopes to be able to accept both international and domestic travelers by August and September.

However, beach destination Riviera Nayarit, situated north of Puerta Vallarta, currently has no immediate plans to bring back tourists, according to Richard Zarkin, the public relations manager for the Riviera Nayarit Convention and Visitors Bureau.


People enjoy the beach on August 16, 2019 in Oludeniz, Turkey.

Turkey is aiming to receive international visitors from mid-June.

Burak Kara/Getty Images

Turkey made over $34.5 billion from tourism in 2019, and the transcontinental country is eager to get back in business.

According to Tourism Minister Mehmet Nuri Ersoy, the destination plans to restart domestic tourism by the close of May and hopes to receive international visitors from mid-June.

The country has set out new guidelines for its hotels and resort facilities, such as temperature checks at entrances and at least 12 hours of room ventilation after checkout. Guests will be required to wear face masks and maintain social distancing.

“The more transparent and detailed information we give, the more we will earn the confidence of tourists,” Tourism Minister Mehmet Ersoy told Reuters earlier this month while revealing plans to open around half of Turkey’s hotels this year.

Meanwhile, restrictions on intercity travel have been lifted, while restaurants, cafes, parks and sports facilities are permitted to reopen from June 1, along with beaches and museums.

Istanbul’s Grand Bazaar, one of the world’s largest markets, is also preparing to reopen for the first time in two months on June 1.


Tourists wearing masks in Piazza Duomo in Milan, on March 5. 2020

Italy is dropping its compulsory quarantine for arrivals in a “calculated risk” to entice tourists back.


Italy has been one of the destinations worst hit by the pandemic, but the hugely popular European country is keen to get its tourism industry up and running now that infection rates have slowed down.

Travelers from the EU, along with the UK and the microstates and principalities of Andorra, Monaco, San Marino and the Vatican, will be allowed to enter without having to go into quarantine starting June 3, in a move the government has described as a “calculated risk.”

“We have to accept it; otherwise, we will never be able to start up again.”

Visitors were previously required to undergo a two-week quarantine before being allowed entry.

All museums, including Rome’s Vatican Museums, have been slowly reopening throughout May with strict social-distancing rules. Bars and restaurants were permitted to reopen with reduced numbers of diners as well as plastic shields to divide customers, on May 18.


A woman wearing a face mask sits at the Can Pere Antoni Beach in Palma de Mallorca on May 25, 2020

At least 84 million people visited Spain in 2019.

JAIME REINA/AFP via Getty Images

Spain’s lockdown was one of the toughest in Europe, but restrictions are gently being lifted. Beaches set to reopen in June while hotels in some parts of the country have already been permitted to resume business.

From July 1, the European destination, which welcomed a record 84 million visitors in 2019, will grant EU travelers permission to enter without having to quarantine for two weeks.

“Come July, we will allow the arrival of foreign tourists to Spain under safe conditions,” Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez said at a recent news conference.

“We will guarantee that tourists are not at risk, and that they don’t represent a risk (to Spain).”

While there’s been little mention of opening borders to travelers beyond the EU, it’s thought Spain is hoping to follow the lead of destinations such as Lithuania and the Czech Republic by establishing safe corridors, or a “travel bubble,” with nearby destinations that have managed to keep the outbreak under control.

“The issue of borders will be accompanied by the evolution of the health crisis.”

At present, it’s mandatory for anyone 6 and older to wear face masks while in public, both indoors and outdoors, “where it is not possible to maintain [an interpersonal] distance.”

The Maldives

Private jets and super yachts will be permitted to enter the Maldives from June 1.

Private jets and super yachts will be permitted to enter the Maldives from June 1.


It’s already one of the most lavish destinations in the world, but the Maldives looks set to become even more exclusive once it reopens.

The island nation, made up of over 1,000 islands, closed its national borders and canceled all flights shortly after recording its first two coronavirus cases in March.

The Maldives has recorded around 1,457 confirmed cases and five deaths from Covid-19 so far.

While it was previously thought the destination would reopen at the end of the year, officials have brought this forward to July.

A phased reopening has been proposed that would see private jets and super yachts allowed entry from June 1.

However, a previously reported $50,000 landing fee for charter flights and private jets has been removed, along with a suggested tourist visa fee.

“We are planning to reopen our borders for visitors in July, 2020,” reads an official statement issued by the Ministry of Tourism on May 30.

“We also want to assure our guests that they will not be charged any additional fees to enter the Maldives.”

The government is also considering issuing a “Safe Tourism License” for tourist facilities that comply with government legislation and certain safety requirements, such as having a certified medic readily available and holding an “adequate stock” of PPE equipment.

According to the draft proposal, travelers who make the trip over will need to have a confirmed booking with a tourist facility with a “Safe Tourism License.”

But the destination’s tourism board has confirmed to CNN Travel that visitors will not have to commit to spending a minimum of 14 days in the country, as was previously suggested.

Visitors will also need to present a medical certificate confirming proof of a negative Covid-19 test taken at least two weeks before landing in the destination.

The Maldives received more than 1.7 million visitors in 2019 and the destination had expected numbers to rise to two million in 2020.

St. Lucia

Pigeon Beach in Saint Lucia as seen from Fort Rodney

St. Lucia will begin its phased reopening on June 4.

DANIEL SLIM/AFP via Getty Images

St. Lucia is one of several Caribbean islands trying for a tourism comeback.

The tropical destination, which closed its orders to foreign travelers on March 23, is to begin its phased reopening on June 4, when it will lift it borders to visitors from the United States.

Those traveling to the country must present “certified proof” of a negative Covid-19 test taken within 48 hours of boarding their flight.

Visitors will also be subject to screening and temperature checks by port health authorities and must wear face masks and maintain social distancing during their visit.

Officials are also bringing in new safety measures for taxis to separate drivers and passengers.

“Our new protocols have been carefully crafted and will build confidence among travelers and our citizens,” Minister of Tourism Dominic Fedee said in a statement.

“The government of Saint Lucia remains resolved to protect both lives and livelihoods as it jump starts its economy.”

Local businesses have also been allowed to reopen, provided they have appropriate cleaning measures and social distancing measures in place.

Details of the second phase of the island’s reopening, which is to begin on August 1, will be announced in the coming weeks.


 Dona Ana beach in Lagos in the southern Portugal region of Algarve

Foreign Minister Augusto Santos Silva recently declared that Portugal is open and “tourists are welcome.”

LUDOVIC MARIN/AFP via Getty Images

Portugal is still in the process of relaxing lockdown restrictions, allowing restaurants, museums and coffee shops to reopen at reduced capacity from mid-May.

But the European country is keen to revive its struggling tourism industry, with Foreign Minister Augusto Santos Silva recently declaring “tourists are welcome.”

While visitors from outside the EU are banned until at least June 15, some routes in and out of Portuguese-speaking nations such as Brazil are still operating.

The land border between Portugal and Spain, which has been closed to tourists since March, is unlikely to reopen until EU travel restrictions are lifted.

“We are gradually going to start looking at easing border controls,” Internal Affairs Minister Eduardo Cabrita said earlier this month.

Although the prospect of reopening to international tourists appears to be a little while off, officials are putting measures in place to ensure foreign travelers will feel confident to return once they’re able to.

Rita Marques, the country’s Secretary of State for Tourism, has launched a “don’t cancel, postpone” scheme, allowing tourists to reschedule any pre-arranged holidays to Portugal until the close of 2021.

This is valid for all bookings made through accredited travel agencies, along with hotels or Airbnbs, for trips scheduled between March 13 and September 30, 2020.

In addition, national tourism authority Turismo de Portugal has created a free hygiene-certification stamp to distinguish “Clean & Safe” tourism enterprises to increase visitors’ confidence.

Businesses will have to comply with hygiene and cleaning requirements for the prevention and control of Covid-19 to receive the stamp, which is valid for one year.

According to Santos Silva, Portugal’s airports will soon be introducing health checks for arrivals, but visitors will not be subject to a mandatory quarantine.


A beach in Oranjestad, Aruba on August 27, 2013. AFP PHOTO / Luis Acosta (Photo credit should read LUIS ACOSTA/AFP/Getty Images)

Aruba has issued “tentative” reopening dates, which fall between June 15 and July 1.


The Caribbean island of Aruba is planning to open its doors to travelers once again at some point between June 15 and July 1.

However, the visitor’s bureau for the Caribbean island, which has reported just over 100 confirmed coronavirus cases, says this “tentative” date may change if Aruba opts to “consider additional precautionary measures as needed.”

Although there’s no mention of any Covid-19 testing requirements for arrivals, tourists will be required to undergo temperature checks on arrival.

While nonessential businesses including shopping malls, cinemas, beauty salons and outdoor restaurants were allowed to reopen on May 25, the island country’s 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. curfew remains in place.

This means such establishments are required to close by 10 p.m. every day.

In addition, the department of Public Health has introduced the “Aruba Health & Happiness Code,” a mandatory cleaning and hygiene certification program for all businesses related to tourism in the country.


This aerial photograph taken on August 26, 2019, shows residential districts in the Georgian capital of Tbilisi

Georgia aims to welcome back international travelers from July 1.

VANO SHLAMOV/AFP via Getty Images

But the country was forced to close its winter resorts and place a ban on all foreign visitors back in March because of the crisis.

Eager to revive its tourism sector, the country’s government says it plans to reopen to international travelers on July 1.

The next stage will allow for domestic travel in special “safe” tourism zones, while the final stage involves reopening borders and resuming some flights.

“[The] tourism sector will be first to which emergency relief measures will apply.”

United Kingdom

Tourists stand near the Brandenburg Gate on March 13, 2020 in Berlin, Germany.

A mandatory 14-day quarantine has been issued for all arrivals to the UK from June 8.

Maja Hitij/Getty Images

While other destinations are relaxing travel restrictions and bringing in measures to lure travelers back, the UK is choosing to enact stricter regulations.

Under the new rules, all arrivals will have to provide an address, at which they must remain for two weeks.

Those who break the rules will be subject to fines of up to $1,218.

The decision, which is to be reviewed every three weeks, has quashed any hopes of rescuing international tourism here in the coming weeks.

It’s thought the move may discourage airlines from restarting flight operations swiftly, while officials have warned there’s little chance of UK residents being able to go abroad this summer.

“I’m saying, right now you can’t travel abroad,” Transport Minister Grant Shapps said during a BBC television interview when asked whether UK citizens should book flights in July.

“If you are booking it, you are clearly by very nature taking a chance of where the direction of this virus goes and therefore where the travel advice is in the future.”

At present, hotels are primed to open in early July, but as EU border restrictions are still in place, it’s likely the UK will be focusing on domestic travel for now.

Luxury country house hotel Beaverbrook is one of many establishments eagerly waiting to be given the go ahead to open their doors again while implementing major changes to protect guests and staff.

“We’re still awaiting further clarity from the government on when the hotel can reopen, but we have been working behind the scenes to adapt our operations to ensure extra safety for both our staff and guests when we do,” a spokesperson from the Surrey hotel told CNN Travel earlier this month.

“All visitors and staff will be required to submit a temperature check on arrival and be asked to sanitize their hands when entering all buildings on the estate.

CNN’s Kocha Olarn, Karla Cripps, Shivani Vora and Elinda Labropoulou also contributed to this article.

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How Chinese airlines are luring back travelers

How Chinese airlines are luring back travelers

(CNN) — From featuring tickets at the value of a vegetable to multi-seat reductions, Chinese airlines are rolling out a sequence of bargains to entice travelers in the operate-up to Labor Day on May perhaps 1 — the initially major holiday break given that the nation came to a standstill because of to Covid-19.

Recording a reduction of RMB39.8 billion ($5.6 billion) in the to start with quarter of 2020, in accordance to the Civil Aviation Administration of China, the country’s aviation sector is using its 1st techniques towards recovery as lockdown actions simplicity.

Resuming old routes, adding new flights

“With the government’s plan to restart get the job done and factories, domestic flights are slowly resuming and China’s civil aviation marketplace is starting to warm up again,” an analyst at VariFlight, a China-primarily based aviation facts service company, tells CNN Journey.

“On the other hand, due to the massive-scale spread of the virus overseas as very well as intercontinental flight limits, intercontinental routes nonetheless show a downward trend. The recovery of worldwide routes could call for much more time.”

In accordance to VariFlight’s knowledge, airline operations in mainland China plummeted about 80% in between the end of January and February.

Domestic flights began to rebound in mid-February and as of this 7 days have risen to pretty much 50 percent of pre-Covid 19 stages.

Coming as a even further indication of the market’s restoration, regional carriers such as Guizhou Airways, Air Guilin and Hainan Airlines are all introducing new domestic routes for the summer months and slide seasons in anticipation of passenger need.

‘Bok choy-price’ tickets and ‘Magic Boxes’

For now, airways are focused on the approaching Labor Day getaway, from Could 1-5.

Some airlines have been offering wild promotions — dubbed “bok choy-price tag” tickets by community media because they are as low-priced as vegetables — on domestic routes to attract fliers.

A look for on Fliggy, one of the major on the internet journey booking platforms in China, suggests that a ticket from Beijing to Yantai in Shandong province (about 700 kilometers in length) in June charges only RMB80 ($11) — about 90% off its usual selling price.
In accordance to state-operate fiscal information site STCN.com, Shenzhen Airlines provided flights from Shenzhen to Chengdu for a staggering RMB5 ($.7) in early March.

In contrast to a usual voucher, these magic containers can only be unlocked during two precise durations throughout the fourth quarter of this year and can be exchanged for any domestic tickets at any value price.

Significantly less gimmicky but also inexpensive, West Air and Urumqi Air are supplying get-1-get-1-absolutely free tickets, even though Air Changan and Hainan Airlines are selling many bundle deal flights.

Anti-coronavirus flight deals

Even though aviation is choosing up, the Covid-19 pandemic has experienced a lasting impression on how airways are marketing seats as well, with carriers trying to supply peace of mind to tourists.

For instance, China Convey has been giving multi-seat solutions for travellers due to the fact February. With these promotions, buyers get six vacant seats for the cost of a solitary financial system-course seat, making certain they are in a position to manage their length from fellow passengers.

The ticket rate incorporates coronavirus-distinct insurance plan and an anti-virus pack with encounter masks and anti-bacterial wipes.

Xiamen Airlines, China Japanese and West Air are also selling excess seats to travellers at a lower price.

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Tokyo’s sushi scene crippled by coronavirus outbreak

Tokyo’s sushi scene crippled by coronavirus outbreak

Tokyo (CNN) — Shortly just after dawn, Hideki Sugiura moves swiftly by way of the slim aisles of Tokyo’s Toyosu Industry.

It is much quieter than normal, and the sushi chef isn’t going to require to get as substantially fish for his compact cafe, Sushi Marubatsu.

Enterprise is down around 50%, Sugiura says, thanks to the influence of the coronavirus pandemic. The virus has unfold by way of significant elements of Asia and is now gripping Europe and the US, with additional than 300,000 situations globally. Japan now has far more than 1,000 confirmed circumstances, various dozen of whom have died.

“Just, prospects stopped coming,” Sugiura tells CNN. “I’m pretty unhappy. I am indignant at the virus.”

Just about every single working day for the previous nine decades, Sugiura has been carrying out his day by day ritual at Toyosu — the wholesale portion of the popular Tsukiji fish market place, which moved to new premises in 2018.

Tokyo sushi chef Hideki Sugiura claims organization is down about 50% owing to the coronavirus outbreak.

Rebecca Wright/CNN

Sugiura creates his day by day-shifting menu on the fly as he sees what fish is on supply — and at what price tag. This time, he goes for tuna, salmon, purple snapper, yellowtail and shrimp.

His very small cafe, which suits about a dozen diners, is in Shibuya, around Tokyo’s well-known intersection with a 4-way pedestrian crossing. But the greater part of his organization comes from neighborhood Japanese.

“Enterprise workers who employed to appear in for lunch will not occur at all now,” he claims. “And housewives used to occur in at lunchtime, but none of them appear now.”

He suggests that small business was currently hurting prior to the virus unfold, thanks to an ailing overall economy that slowed just after the Japanese federal government enhanced the use tax in October.

“We have experienced a de facto shutdown of all the key engines of demand from customers,” claims Jesper Koll, a Tokyo-primarily based economist. “That’s use, company paying out, export of products and inbound tourism.”

Several corporations experienced been holding out for the envisioned economic enhance of the Tokyo 2020 Olympics, thanks to be held in July and August this 12 months. But now, the upcoming of the party — and the linked added benefits for Tokyo’s retail and tourism market — seems to be uncertain because of to the pandemic.

Now, the latest disaster is pushing Sugiura to look at closing the doors on the restaurant.

“If my organization stays this way mainly because of the virus, I can not work at all,” he suggests. “There is no other way but closing it down.”

Tsukiji fish sector struggling

The effect of the coronavirus is also hurting the initial Tsukiji fish current market, a hotspot for travelers.

Some of the market place vendors tell CNN that their business enterprise is down by 70-80%.

Normally a tourist hotspot, the outer ring of the Tsukiji market sees few visitors these days.

Generally a tourist hotspot, the outer ring of the Tsukiji market place sees couple website visitors these times.

Rebecca Wright/CNN

“(Business enterprise is) horrible, terrible,” suggests Naoto Furusawa, who has labored at a single of the stalls providing dried fish and other food goods for 23 a long time.

Usually, he claims, the streets are teeming with visitors from all above the world.

“It is just a sea of men and women,” Furusawa says. “(Ordinarily) I can not even stroll via.”

Vacationers have also discovered the large fall-off.

“I arrived a few several years back and I couldn’t walk (by the crowds), and now it’s scarcely anyone,” says Colombian tourist Andres Bitar (32).

When the interior wholesale sector moved to Toyosu, the outer industry, which has dozens of shops and restaurants, stayed open.

But how extended it survives relies upon on how long it can take for the coronavirus crisis to conclude, Furusawa says.

“Anyone is expressing, all they can do is be individual,” he suggests.

Off the major streets of the Tsukiji marketplace are several dim, narrow alleys which are crammed with dozens of compact sushi joints — also suffering from the financial contagion of the coronavirus.

“There are several businesses closing down,” states Toru Honma, who owns one particular of the small restaurants. “Three to four sites have shut down in the past month or two.”

Tokyo seafood vendor Naoto Furusawa says business is terrible at the moment.

Tokyo seafood vendor Naoto Furusawa says business is horrible at the instant.

Rebecca Wright/CNN

Most mornings, 68-calendar year-outdated Honma is serving up sashimi rice bowls, platters of clean sushi and cups of steaming Japanese tea to visitors who stream in just after searching in the market place.

But now, he is just counting his losses.

“I experience pretty unhappy — it hurts,” Honma says. “It was these a sharp decrease.”

Honma has been a sushi chef for 45 yrs, and states he has never ever noticed anything like this in advance of — even soon after the devastating earthquake and tsunami which hit Japan in 2011.

But the problem is probable to deteriorate even further, as gurus say the affect of the coronavirus crisis is far from in excess of.

“You are going to see for the future 3 or four months at minimum, financial info that’s heading to continue on to deteriorate, you’re heading to see earnings information that carries on to deteriorate,” Koll states.

The disaster has still left compact small business homeowners in Japan — and the rest of the planet — facing an unsure upcoming.

“We you should not know when it ends, and it is receiving worse working day by working day,” Honma says.

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9 ways airlines and airports can improve in 2020

9 ways airlines and airports can improve in 2020

(CNN) — It really is a miracle of science that we can jet from town to city to get our small business finished and get our fun on, but present-day traveling practical experience can leave a bit to be wanted.

We’re jammed into seats that are much too compact generally nickel-and-dimed about charges fearful following the two Boeing 737 MAX aircraft crashes and, a lot more often, annoyed that some airlines nevertheless never even have stores to demand our lots of units.

That’s why CNN Travel talked to some of our favored aviation specialists — those “avgeeks” who actually really like to fly — for their semi-real looking wishes for aviation.

They hope that some of their gripes and subsequent wishes will be dealt with by airports and airways on the ground, many others in the air.

Allow for ill folks to remain residence

Sick men and women should not be penalized for not seeking to fly, suggests one pro.

Tom Grill/Getty Images

Airlines have amended schedules and supplied waivers for the recent novel coronavirus outbreak, but ailment on a extra personal degree usually means whopping service fees or traveling though unwell and probably contagious.

Sick folks would be additional most likely to stay household if airlines have been to “substantially lessen the ridiculously costly ticket transform costs ($200+) and even do absent with having to pay the fare distinction,” provides DiScala. (In contrast to most US airways, he notes that Southwest does not cost a change payment but that travellers do have to spend any fare big difference.)

Insert additional flights to smaller sized metropolitan areas

Whilst airline company simply cannot warranty financial enhancement in lesser towns, “the deficiency of support can absolutely hamper a city’s ability to draw in new organization,” claims aviation historian Janet Bednarek, a professor at the College of Dayton in Ohio.

She applauded JetBlue founder David Neeleman’s intention to serve smaller towns with his new airline, Breeze Airways.

“As a resident of a battling metro location, I imagine it would support quite a few areas of the place — notably in the Northeast and Midwest — as increased air provider could assist initiatives of legacy towns, these types of as Dayton, to entice new business and citizens.”

Increase airport safety screening

It can often be a slog to get through TSA security lines.

It can generally be a slog to get by means of TSA protection traces.

Chip Somodevilla/Getty Visuals

Most people interviewed needed a greater TSA safety encounter, whether or not we have to remove our footwear or not (if we have TSA Pre-Verify or Clear).

“I would like to see far more technological innovation, such as the automatic bins, to keep traces transferring and slash the headache aspect,” claims aviation expert Benét Wilson, credit cards editor with The Factors Male.

And because not everyone can or will take part in TSA Pre-Test, aviation historian Bednarek wishes that we could structure the protection areas with the expectation that persons will be getting rid of their shoes, laptops and other things right before screening and re-packing immediately after.

Security screening can come to feel like attending a reception “with a consume in 1 hand and an hors d’oeuvre in the other, and now a person wants to shake your hand,” claims Bednarek.

Make airports additional snug (and silent)

Longtime United Airways shopper Peter Sasaki, who’s flown far more than a million United miles and has invitation-only Worldwide Expert services standing with the airline, would like to see much more peaceful areas in airports.

“Important airports are even worse than a 1980s shopping mall with regards to crowds, noise, retail place administration and intense sensory overload,” he suggests. “Airline lounges are most frequently no improved. I delight in the meditation/yoga rooms at SFO and the out of doors patio at Terminal 7 LAX and would like to see a lot more areas to unwind at main airports.”

Wilson also wishes for impartial, paid out airport lounges for people devoid of status.

“I never have enough elite status on any airline, and the huge 3 have created it nearly difficult to get your way into their lounges,” she suggests. “So, I might really like to see a lot more [of] The Clubs or Escape lounges in the more substantial US airports.”

Make the gates nicer

Passengers search for their luggage at Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport.

Travellers search for their luggage at Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta Worldwide Airport.

Jessica McGowan/Getty Images

Bednarek needs for “a lot more cozy seating in the gate spots, extra moving sidewalks, and for passengers with extensive layovers or sudden flight delays, some area they could keep their baggage so they you should not have to haul it all about the airport.”

Airport lockers started out to vanish right after airport bombings in the 1970s and were absolutely eliminated immediately after 9/11, she suggests. “A return to lockers may possibly not be the reply, but definitely we could occur up with some thing.”

Give us room for our legs

Tall people have a hard time with ever-smaller airline seats.

Tall people today have a hard time with ever-scaled-down airline seats.


While coach is a tight in good shape for everyone who isn’t tiny, truly tall folks in mentor have to sit with their legs pretty much jammed up versus the seats in entrance of them.

We are so jammed into airliners that aviation stability advisor Jeff Cost says we might not have adequate home to evacuate some airplanes in the 90 seconds demanded by the US Federal Aviation Administration.

“I want the airlines would give the coach class plenty of legroom so frequent airline travellers can definitely evacuate in the 90 seconds the FAA involves,” claims Price tag, who is 6 toes tall.

“I’m not speaking about whoever they are using to carry out the certification screening,” suggests Price tag. “My legs are so wedged amongst seats, it can take me 90 seconds to get out of my row, significantly less out of the airplane.”

Update those people plane charging stations

01 phones on planes cell-phone not talking

Individuals will need to cost their devices on board.


Many Southwest Airways travellers are superfans, describing the numbered boarding process and welcoming flight attendants to anybody who will hear. And however, there is still space for improvement, suggests Wilson.

“Any one who is familiar with me appreciates I adore this airline,” she claims. “It has greater Wi-Fi, free of charge motion pictures, Television set, text messaging [and] WhatsApp. But I have nowhere to plug in my electronics on people lengthier flights.”

Airplane charging stations are turning out to be not just welcomed but required.

Make protection advancements

“Additional importantly, though, I want that they would clear up it in a way that would transfer toward a more powerful security and regulatory society,” she says.

“In some techniques the airline marketplace is as substantial and strong as it is for the reason that laws aimed at flight protection aided eliminate one particular of the most significant variables holding back again people from turning out to be travellers — anxiety.”

Generate a far more sustainable long term for traveling

Final year, United loyalist Sasaki observed runways that had been much too warm to use air temperature and density troubles with specified aircraft flooding runways and storm techniques that had been as well complicated to navigate all-around.

“Guy-made or not, local weather transform is actual, and I assume much more repeated weather conditions-associated delays,” claims Sasaki. “I hope for a endeavor force led by the airlines, NOAA (Nationwide Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) and the FAA, but you should not be expecting a person.”

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Street Style Coat Trends That We Love


Although I’d like to believe that spring is just around the corner, it seems we still have a few more months of coat-wearing weather ahead of us. Whether you’re a fan of puffers, trenches or oversize teddy coats, there’s no way to deny that the wardrobe staple – gynaikeia royxa is an absolute necessity at this time of year.

Seeing as we’ve been wearing coats daily since around late November, we wouldn’t blame you for feeling tired of the item or even a little impatient each time you have to layer one over your existing outfit in the morning. Thankfully, the street style at Copenhagen Fashion Week managed to prove that coats don’t have to be an afterthought, as editors and influencers attended the shows in Denmark wearing a whole host of interesting outerwear.

As to be expected, we saw several standout trends emerge, as the style set was dressed in various iterations of checked coats, brightly coloured trenches, quilted coats and sunshine yellow shades. With style inspiration straight from one of fashion’s coolest cities, we can only imagine these coat trends will be just as popular at the runway shows in New York, London, Milan and Paris fashion weeks too. Keep scrolling for the coat trends that are already dominating street style pictures this year.


1. Quilted Coats

Fashionable and practical, warm quilted coats were seen all over the streets of Copenhagen. Often spotted in either khaki green or a faded yellow, it’s safe to say the trend is a frontrunner for fashion week.

The duvet coat (also known as quilted, padded or puffer) is essentially the sartorial equivalent to a duvet day. These babies can be chucked over any outfit and you’ll instantly feel toasty warm, which is great news for those of us that hate having to lug around a million layers during the coldest months of the year.

While in previous decades this trend has had a more youth-focused aesthetic, from last year it’s all about elegant, grown-up creations (undoubtedly thanks to the chic styling of Bottega Veneta). Of course, there are still plenty of classic, sporty iterations to go around, but I’m loving the more unusual designs that are breaking the puffer-coat mould, such as Arket’s trench coat/puffer look or Totême’s quilted interpretation, which has plenty of old-school housecoat vibes.

2. Yellow Coats

Sunshine yellow is having a moment. It’s predicted to be one of spring’s most popular shades, and show goers at Copenhagen Fashion Week proved you don’t need to wait for warmer weather to wear this bright hue. In a sea of drab outwear, yellow coats were everywhere back in 2014: Nadya of Montreal wore a translucent yellow raincoat. In Ukraine, Myroslava opted for a fuzzy jacket that wasn’t too Big Bird–like at all. Now you can wear it again!

3. Checked Coats

While a checked coat might be considered a timeless wardrobe staple, the attendees at Copenhagen fashion week proved the item can also look contemporary. Opting for a checked coat in a bright colour or contrasting hue will be sure to make your look that much more modern. Layering with a checked coat. They’re stylish, surprisingly flattering and are great for jazzing up a simple jeans and tee ensemble or adding over a patterned blouse for a clashing print outfit. Get ahead of the trend as the sales start to dwindle and inject a bit of new season energy into your end of summer wardrobe. Wear a big checked trench over a fabulous new season jeans shape or wide leg trousers. Or choose a boxy checked blazer and style it with a nod to the 70s trend.

Whatever style you choose, just make sure it’s check, mate.

4. Statement Trenches

The humble trench coat was given an update this year when designers began swapping its traditionally beige colour palette for a range of rainbow brights. Evidently, the fashion set has embraced the update, as colourful trench coats were seen all over Copenhagen.

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